If your family legacy a train wreck
If your family legacy a train wreck ?
Do you have a will ?
If not Florida has a free one for you but you won’t like it!
Do you have a Durable Power of Attorney?
It will save the cost and emotions of a court guardianship
Have you updated your Will or Trust in the last 20 years?
You may have created an unneeded Trust that cannot be revoked and without income tax advantages!
Do you have Long Care Health Insurance?
In the past many had to pay Federal Estate Tax at the 40% bracket. Long term care may cost you 70% of your estate.
Are you in a 2nd marriage?
Not planning for that may create a perfect storm!
Do you have a Living Will?
Remember the sad story of Terry Schiavo…..
Do you have a disabled child?
Retain governmental benefits with a Supplemental Needs Trust.
Most people would rather not think about their, albeit inevitable, death. Instead, they treat it…
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