Kenneth B. Wheeler
Legacy is what you pass down to your children, and your children's children

Like the branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, but our roots and our vision hold us together.

WealthCare Law
Estate Planning
Wills & trusts planning for minor children, powers of attorney and health care directives
Incapacity & Medicaid Planning
Elder law and long term health care planning, guardianship avoidance planning
Business Succession Planning
Small business structuring and succession planning
Tax Litigation
Administrative appeals and litigation in the United States Tax Court
Trust Planning
Revocable, irrevocable and special needs trusts. Advanced family wealth transfer and preservation of assets planning.
Blended Family Planning
Protecting the interests of a second spouse and children from a first marriage
About the Firm
We are a boutique law firm that has limited it’s practice to “WealthCare Law”. We have over 30 years of experience. While we may not have, as yet, seen everything, we know a thing or two because, over the
years, they have seen a thing or two. Experience does matter.
The firm is unique not only in our depth and breadth of experience, but also because we take a holistic approach to the practice of WealthCare Law.
What does holistic mean, you might ask ?
The holistic approach to accomplishing any task means first thinking about the big picture or a whole “family system.” It is said one should “start with the end in mind” and knowing when you make a change to one part of a system, it affects the whole.
We believe protecting the “family” is important.

Kenneth B. Wheeler
A graduate of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, Ken is a former naval aviator and CatTier pilot. Following his military service he received his JD and LL.M. Tax law degrees from the University of Florida Law School.
Client Testimonials